For more than twenty years, the teachers of the Institut Supérieur des Langues Vivantes have been training and supervising (future) teachers of French from all over the world in their fields of specialization, in Liège in the summer and everywhere else during the rest of the year. In the difficult context of this second confinement, they propose - in collaboration with the Service de didactique et méthodologie du français langue étrangère et seconde - pedagogical webinars on various themes.

  • Who are they for? All teachers of French as a foreign language from around the world (places are limited to 25 people, with a minimum of 10 participants).
  • When will it take place? Date to be determined together
  • Where ? In person (in your premises or in those of the University of Liege, when the health context allows it) or at home, online, via Zoom.
  • How much does it cost? We charge 120 euros per hour of training.

14 ateliers didactique

1) Principles of language didactics

  • Animator: Pr Jean-Marc Defays
  • Duration: 4 hours

It is important to start and/or to return regularly to the essential questions that arise for each language teacher concerning his or her role as instructor and mediator, his or her responsibilities in relation to his or her learners, the conditions of their interactions, the strategies that he or she can implement, and the resources at his or her disposal. This module will give participants the opportunity to review the different methodological options in light of the new circumstances of language teaching and learning, particularly French.


2) The conditions of learning

  • Facilitator: Pr Jean-Marc Defays
  • Duration: 4 hours

Objectives, methods and resources have changed rapidly and considerably in the field of language teaching. This evolution insists more and more on the results in terms of practical, communicative, social and even professional capacities. Whatever training and resources are offered (imposed?) on learners, it is always their personal motivation and mobilization that remain the principle and driving force of learning. This module will deal with the conditions of the subjective experience of learning a foreign language and culture.

3) Games in the FLE classroom

  • Facilitator: Pr Jean-Marc Defays
  • Duration: 4 hours

Playful activities are increasingly part of the language course curriculum and play is one of the major principles of learning as such, not only for children. In this workshop we will consider the many properties and categories of games as a pedagogical resource for language, culture and communication. We will also see what positive effects they can have on participants' attitudes and collaboration in the classroom. Numerous examples will be given to illustrate the variety of game activities available or to create oneself.

4) Staying afloat in contemporary oral French

  • Facilitator: Ms. Laurence Wéry
  • Duration: 4 hours

Too often, due to time constraints and lack of access to relevant resources, FLE teachers have difficulty maintaining their knowledge of spoken French. In this workshop, we will begin by reviewing the linguistic phenomena specific to oral language illustrated by very recent examples. We will work on constantly updated material such as youtubers' clips, songs, press extracts... You will thus have at your disposal pedagogical material that can be used in the FLE class.


5) French in the Wallonia-Brussels Federation: so close and yet different

  • Animator : Mrs Laurence Wéry
  • Duration: 2 hours

Many teachers of French as a foreign language are interested in the French-speaking world when they teach French as a foreign language. Working on "the French of Belgium" is an opportunity to dive into the linguistic specificities of this idiom as well as its cultural dimension. In this workshop, we will examine together the specificities of French in the Walloon-Brussels Federation, the origins of these phenomena and finally work on internet and textual supports. The teachers of French as a foreign language will thus be able to approach a rich and interesting aspect of the French-speaking world in the classroom.

6) Comprehension and oral expression in the FLE class

  • Facilitator: Mrs. Laurence Wéry
  • Duration: 3 hours

This workshop on oral comprehension and expression will allow FLE teachers to determine more precisely the objectives of comprehension for the learner, to carry out an oral comprehension activity taking into account the parameters seen in training, to cognitively profile their learners and according to that, to choose oral activities in the FLE class. Among the latter, we will privilege the global simulation.

7) Digital in my FLE class!

  • Facilitator: Ms. Audrey Thonard
  • Duration: between 1h and 4h, as desired

Option 1: Conference "Digital in the classroom: why and how?

During this conference, you will be invited to reflect on the contributions and limits of digital technology in the French classroom and the changes in posture, methods, practices and strategies brought about by new technologies. You will discuss a series of preconceived ideas about digital technology, such as learner motivation and autonomy. You will discover numerous resources for teaching/learning French (from France but also from Belgium!) as well as a selection of tools that can be used in the FLE classroom to create original activities aimed at developing all the macro-skills.

Option 2: Workshop "Digital in the classroom: which tools to survey and evaluate your learners?"

Would you like all of your students to answer all of your questions, even the shyest one hiding at the back of the class? Do you find that, when answering questions about a text or a video or when doing "drill" exercises, your students are not really put into action and do not share or exchange much? Do you want to create your own quizzes and games that are directly related to the theme of your lesson? Then this workshop is for you! We will first put you in the shoes of a learner and participate in quizzes and surveys created for a French as a foreign language class before taking on your teacher's hat and designing a quiz or game with the application(s) of your choice (with apps like Socrative, Google Forms, Learning Apps, Kahoot, Wooclap...).

Option 3: Workshop "Digital in the classroom: applications for communication, collaboration and creation

Numerous studies show that the participatory web gives another dimension to written and oral expression tasks: thanks to it, these school practices become social practices. The learner knows that he/she will be read, heard or seen by his/her peers (and why not learners from other classes or even Internet users from all over the world?) and not only by his/her teacher. In this workshop, we will discover other advantages of the participative web, online exchanges and collaborative work for language learners. You will test several applications designed for this purpose (such as Padlet, Flipgrid, Sway,...) and create your own writing and speaking tasks.

Option 4: Workshop "Digital in my classroom: some must-have applications

In this workshop, you will discover different "families" of tools for the EFL classroom: applications to survey the class, to evaluate it but also to facilitate collaboration between learners and their exchanges - written or oral - within the class but also outside. We will see how digital technology can be a lever for language learning and an important vector of motivation by exploiting tools like Learning Apps, Socrative, Padlet and Flipgrid.

8) Evaluation in French as a foreign language: a mission impossible?

  • Facilitator: Ms. Marielle Maréchal
  • Duration: 2 hours

After having questioned our own evaluation practices, we will reflect on how to build an evaluation task in adequacy with the operational objectives of a training, how to build a valid, reliable, relevant and ethical evaluation task and how to develop criterion-based and weighted evaluation grids to try to evaluate more objectively. We will also put our internal evaluations into perspective with some standardized external evaluations.


9) Working on reading and writing in FLE

  • Facilitator: Ms. Marielle Maréchal
  • Duration: 2 hours

After examining the strategies of a good reader and a good writer in a mother tongue as well as in a foreign language, we will analyze the different stages of work on written skills in class, from the choice of a text to the implementation of activities to verify its comprehension; from the planning of writing tasks to the active revision of a text produced by the learners.


10) "Ceci n'est pas la Belgique

  • Facilitators: Ms. Samia Hammami and/or Mr. Frédéric Saenen
  • Duration: 1h30

Belgium... A very small country in the heart of Europe. A relatively short history (even if the "Belgians" were already known by Julius Caesar!) and dense. Complex institutions. Three languages (including "Belgian" French) and great artists (writers, singers, painters...). But, above all, a particular spirit and humor. Belgium sometimes struggles to define itself, but it exists (or even resists) in a fascinating (and, to say the least, "surreal") way, while at the same time carving out a place for itself within the Francophonie. The different modules proposed here explore, following thematic approaches, the richness that Belgium conceals.

Option 1: "Quiz Belgium

(Samia Hammami)

Through an interactive quiz with various questions, the aim is to consider different general aspects related to Belgium (geography, institutions, folklore, particularities, etc.). A fun way to brush up on your knowledge... or to learn more about this little-known country!


Option 2: "Belgian Literature

(Frédéric Saenen)

The question of literature is central in Belgium. The equation "one country, one language, one literature" does not apply within our borders, in a linguistic landscape that is multiple. The "French-speaking letters of Belgium" have a singular history, turned or not towards Paris, written by Walloons, Brussels inhabitants, and even Flemings, nourished by a particular imagination, illustrating itself in all genres. Belgian writers, past and present, are certainly proving to be stimulating!


Option 3: "Belgian (Francophone) Song

(Samia Hammami / Frédéric Saenen)

Song is an essential popular art form that nourishes the common cultural background. In Belgium, great figures (performers, musicians, etc.) have distinguished themselves in various fields and genres, to the point that some have even been "adopted" by our French neighbors! This module invites you to take a musical journey to remember certain voices and perhaps discover new ones.


Option 4: "Belgian Humor

(Frédéric Saenen/ Samia Hammami )

"Surrealist", "grating", "black", "ironic", "potache", "self-deprecating"? How to define humor in Belgium, this expression of the spirit sometimes so delicate to approach from the outside? Through documents and illustrations, you will be able to approach and taste the humor that stimulates the zygomatic of the Belgians... and of their neighbors!


Option 5: "Magritte and Surrealism

(Frédéric Saenen/ Samia Hammami )

If there is an emblematic painter of the surrealist movement, it is undeniably René Magritte. During this conference, we will discuss the specificity of the Belgian surrealist movement (whose contours are often different from those of the French surrealists under Breton's control), Magritte's life and his main paintings through his different pictorial periods.


Option 6: "Hergé and Tintin

(Frédéric Saenen)

Belgium was the breeding ground of the Ninth Art. It is a recognized fact, "a thousand billion thousand scuttles"! Hergé, in addition to being the father of the most famous reporter in the world, is also the father of the "clear line" style that has strongly influenced the world of comics and continues to make young and old dream today. By following the adventures of Tintin, this conference allows us to realize the evolution of Hergé, the inventiveness of his language and his (sometimes problematic) inscription in his time.


Option 7: "Simenon

(Frédéric Saenen)

Simenon is a prolific writer who travelled around the world (for professional and personal reasons) and enjoyed unparalleled success, while remaining profoundly close to his roots (have you ever noticed his indestructible Liège accent?). The conference is an opportunity to follow in his footsteps in Liège (his birthplace), in Paris (the place of his blossoming), in the United States (his land of adventure) and in Switzerland (the country of his old age), but also to evoke his major works and his special place in the world of world literature.


11) Colles en FLE !

  • Animators: Mrs. Samia Hammami and Mr. Frédéric Saenen
  • Duration: 2 hours

Every teacher, whether experienced or freshly graduated, whether native or non-native speaker, whether working in a homogeneous or heterogeneous class, whether teaching in a French-speaking or foreign country, whether with a degree in FLE or trained "on the job"..., is regularly confronted with "quizzes" asked spontaneously by his or her learners. In this module, we propose to take up certain grammatical points that have already caused us problems, to analyze them and to reflect together on the particular difficulty they raise with learners... and their teachers! A simple and uncomplicated way to continue to reflect on our main material: the language!


12) Interculturality in the FLE classroom

  • Facilitator: Mr. Frédéric Saenen
  • Duration: 2 hours

In any FLE class, whether it is composed of a heterogeneous or homogeneous public, the question of interculturality inevitably arises - in the context of language teaching, of relations between learners or with the teacher, in the apprehension of the external cultural environment, etc. This module will address some fundamental questions about the notion of "interculturality", through the sharing of real-life experiences of "culture shock" or misunderstandings that have actually occurred in the classroom and are linked to the contact between different cultures, leading to a reflection on the enrichments to be drawn from intercultural dialogue... as well as the pitfalls to be avoided in this always very delicate field!


13) Teaching French as a language of instruction to allophone students

  • Facilitator: Ms. Deborah Meunier
  • Duration: 3 hours

What is meant by "French as a language of instruction"? What are the priority language skills to be developed for allophone students in primary and secondary schools? Based on classroom videos and pedagogical resources, we will identify the specificities of the language of schooling, both as an object and as a vehicle for learning, in French classes, but also in non-linguistic disciplines. Didactic approaches adapted to the different profiles of your students and to your teaching situations will be proposed.


14) Valuing learners' languages: plurilingualism as a lever for learning French

  • Facilitator: Ms. Deborah Meunier
  • Duration: 3 hours

What place should I give to the learners' first languages (family or previous schooling) in my French classes? We will see how to integrate plurilingual and intercultural approaches in our teaching, and the pedagogical interest of these approaches. The participants will analyze resources (class videos and didactic sequences) that exploit the different languages of the class for didactic purposes: development of learning strategies (observation, comparison, linking) and phonological and metalinguistic awareness, but also valorization of the learner and his/her languages.

Laurence Wéry
Laurence Wéry
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updated on 3/13/23

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